Friday, December 6, 2013


Sorry i haven't posted in months, i've been going though some things but I am back now! (i hope)
So lately i have been experiencing high blood pressure. (178/132 , 271/198, 172/113 ) Don't know what caused this but its not pleasant. I was used to dealing with the low blood pressure around 60/48. We phoned my neuro and they took me off midodrine and said to phone back in 2 weeks. When i phoned back nobody got back to me. Ugh. After around 3 weeks of being off midodrine my blood pressure has come down but it is still high, my diastolic number is never below 100. I have been in the hospital for saline and it didn't help bring it down at all. It was the same after 4 hours of laying there and my heart rate was still 120. Obviously i have not been doing so well lately.

I have also gone to my first cardio appointment. My neuro referred me after he was worried about the bradycardia i had been having. They hooked me up to a 24hr heart monitor and sent me off. They phoned back in a week and said they could see where i had passed out and that my heart rate went from the 40s to the 200s throughout the day, but that my heart rhythm was strong and steady. She told me there was nothing she could do for me. Another ugh. I am going to ask my neuro to send me to a different cardio if possible though. She didn't have any idea really what POTS is so its no wonder she can't help me. Why would my neuro send me to someone who doesn't know what POTS is? No idea. Hopefully i can go back to see him soon and ask about a new cardiologist.

Other than that, i have had a few more bad episodes of the extreme disorientation and i have been in the hospital about 6 times since i last posted.

OH! And i am no longer in school, i do online school right now. I took my self out around 1 week after my last post. So i have been doing it for 3 months now. We are going to try to put me back into school for one class a day next semester and see if that works out. I am trying to be optimistic about it but i am worried i can't handle an 80 minute class of sitting and thinking then an hour bus ride home everyday. Maybe by some miracle i will be feeling better by then and i can do one class. Maybe it will be my christmas miracle this year. *Rolls eyes for being cheesy*

Anyways, i hope all of you are doing well! Leave me some commented updating me on your health status right now :) I hope they are all positive and you guys have been doing awesome lately!

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