Thursday, January 23, 2014


So I'm going back to school in February! Cancel that exclamation point because I am not excited.

I will be going in the afternoon for once class only, last period math. I am scared to death, I don't know how i am going to cope with going to school everyday when right now I just lay in bed all day feeling horrible. My mom said it may not work so at least she knows I might not be able to handle it. I really hope I can though, I miss seeing people other than my family, I miss having friends, I miss the world.

The most of the world I see these days are my back ally when I let my dog out and from what I can see from my window, thats pretty much it. It gets depressing so I am excited to get out of this house finally, excited but extreme anxiety.

Its a grade 10 class, even though I should be in grade 11. I probably won't have that many friends going back as I will only be there for an hour and a half everyday and I won't be in the same grade class as my friends I have there.

Btw, did I ever mention that this is the school that kicked me out for being sick and missing too much and then denying me back in after i filed an appeal and then finally accepting me back after getting all my doctors to demand i go back? Yeah. I am not dealing with the same people who i dealt with last time since they really screwed me over. I have a new principal I already met with and she seems really nice and helpful so far, so thats good. I am meeting with her and my new teacher soon so I really hope he is nice or else it will make this 100x harder.

Agh, I am scared.. I hate my anxiety I worry about nothing. Hope you're all doing well, haven't posted since before Christmas so i hope you guys had a good Christmas.. I really did!

Sending love to all my spoonies out there :)

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